Nefertiti Bruce

Nefertiti Bruce, M.Ed. is an Early Childhood Specialist and trainer for the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI), and provides professional development and consultation to early childhood programmes across the United States. Nefertiti is the co-author of Building your bounce: Simple strategies for a resilient you, a tool to help adults strengthen their resilience.

Devereux is the US’s largest non-profit educational and behavioural health care organisation. With a focus on promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development and resilience, to date the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI) has helped more than 3 million children across the US. In 2009, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children (DCRC) was created to advance Deveruex’s commitment to primary prevention and promotion of resilience of all children.