Including All Children

Teachers, educators and program staff are generally highly committed to the inclusion of children with additional learning needs in their classrooms, preschools, childcare centres and out-of-school hours programs, but the reality check comes once a child arrives in the setting.

· Are the staff actually ready?

· Do they feel confident in managing the specific needs of this child, at this time, in this setting?

· Does everyone in the setting share the same views and values about inclusion?

Adults can often have valid concerns about inclusion such as:

· But I don’t know much about disabilities …

· I already teach a large, multi-age class. How will I support children with additional needs as well?

· What if I get something wrong?

· Will it take away from the time I spend with the other children?

This book addresses these concerns and provides realistic strategies for addressing them.


Ages: 0-5 years

About the Author

Picture of Anne Vize

Anne Vize

Anne Vize specialises in writing for children and young people who learn in different and unique ways. She is a special educator and writer from Melbourne and works to develop print and digital resources for children, their teachers and supporters. She works in the vocational sector developing learning resources for training providers and creates freelance content to support the new vocational major curriculum in Victoria. Anne is fortunate to be able to divide her time between writing and exploring the wonders of sailing and windsurfing on the stunning Port Phillip Bay.